Getting the Most out of a PHP Conference

“Uncle Cal” Evans writes “Conference !== Family Reunion” in the October 2016 issue of php[architect]. He talks about being part of the “in group.” What can we do to make any conference suck less for new attendees?

Having just returned from the excellent 2016 Madison (Wisconsin, USA) PHP Conference, I can see the problem. I don’t have any answers, but I am hereby collecting links to any wisdom I can find. Please send me suggestions, to @ewbarnard. Thank you!

Cal Evans’s voice of experience:

  • Make a list of people you want to meet.
  • Look at the speakers list. 
  • Look at the people tweeting about the conference. 
  • Are there any attendees you want to meet? 
  • Make a list BEFORE you leave. 
  • This isn’t just fanboi “Oh gosh it’s great to meet you [Mr.|Ms.] Whatever. 
  • These could be networking opportunities, job seeking opportunities, whatever. 
  • Regardless of why you want to meet someone, if you don’t make a list before hand, you probably won’t get around to it at the conference.



Elizabeth Smith:

Follow up after a conference matters too. Jump on IRC and keep in touch with the people you meet 🙂

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Can you suggest any online resources I could include? Again, thank you!